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GCSE Results Day 2024 and Enrolment for Coloma Sixth Form

It will be exciting to celebrate the commitment and success of our fantastic Year 11 cohort, who will receive their results on Thursday 22nd of August. We are also very much looking forward to welcoming the Class of 2026 who will look to enrol in our Sixth Form from Coloma and other providers across Thursday 22nd of August - Tuesday 27th of August.

The arrangements for these busy days are as follows and as per your individual letters:

  • Results Day is Thursday 22nd August
  • Results can be collected on-site at Coloma from 0830 in the Rose Hall for Year 11 Coloma students
  • Support and post-results services will also be available in the Rose Hall

For those students looking to enrol for the Sixth Form at Coloma from Coloma

  • Coloma applicants should see the Sixth Form team in the Rose Hall from 0830 once they have opened their results as appropriate 
  • Students who are moving on from Coloma are requested to complete a brief destinations form with Mrs Ingram prior to exiting the Rose Hall which can be found on the reverse of the letter that accompanies their results 

For those students looking to enrol for the Sixth Form at Coloma from other providers

  • First-choice applicants should see the Sixth Form team in the Rose Hall on-site at Coloma from 1030 to 1500
  • This will be on-site at Coloma in the Rose Hall
  • Applicants who listed Coloma as their reserve choice should see the Sixth Form team on Friday 23rd August
  • Applicants who are on Coloma’s ‘Waiting List’ are invited to see the Sixth Form team on Tuesday 27th August
  • This will be on-site at Coloma in the Sixth Form Centre

At enrolment you will receive all the information required to process your application. It can also be found in this Enrolment Pack