Student Leadership

At Coloma we strive to be a centre of excellence which inspires the next generation of female leaders to achieve through the love of God, inspirational experiences and our strong Catholic traditions. For us in the Sixth Form this is a lived vision and value. 

We recognise the potential in all of our students to make a positive contribution to the community. As such since 2022 we have been enhancing the offer and roles substantially. We maintain our proud traditions of a Sixth Form leadership team at the head and heart of the school. But, we have also been informed by student voices to ensure we best serve our communities from Year 7 upwards. This allows our students to become more involved across the school, improving the experience for the community as a whole. 

This audit details the range of our offer for all Sixth Form students and where students can step up to individual and team responsibilities during their time with us:

Leadership Competencies & Catholic social teaching principles

Leadership Opportunities 2024-2025

  • Resilience and motivation
  • The dignity of work and participation
  • Sixth Form offer of learning that encourages students to take ownership and lead their own learning through extra study
  • The Duke of Edinburgh's scheme


  • Enhancing emotional intelligence and reflection
  • Dignity


  • Sixth Form tutor programme which has an ongoing focus on personal development, including leadership
  • Sixth Form book club exemplifies ‘brilliant women’ showcasing leadership and talent


  • Working towards change
  • Dignity
  • Peace
  • The common good


  • Sixth Form Student Leadership Team
  • Sixth Form Student Council
  • Subject Ambassadors


Student-led societies

  • Model United Nations
  • Debate Club
  • Computer Science
  • Afro-Caribbean Club
  • Coaching and Mentoring to develop others
  • The common good
  • Year 7 Mentoring through ‘Big Sisters 4 Little Sisters’
  • Maths study buddies for KS4
  • Supporting sports competitions and events: Netball & Football
  • Project Management 
  • Solidarity
  • Option for the Poor and Vulnerable
  • The dignity of work and participation
  • Charities Events - Middle East Bake Sale/ Year 11 Afternoon Tea/ International Dress Day
  • Young Enterprise Company Programme