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Inspection Reports

We are proud to announce that in our most recent Section 48 inspection, the school was found to be outstanding. The full report can be found by clicking the link below.

Along with all schools, Coloma is regularly inspected by Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services & Skills). Ofsted report directly to Parliament and are independent and impartial. They inspect and regulate services which care for children and young people, and those providing education and skills for learners of all ages. The aim of their work is to promote improvement and value for money in the services they inspect and regulate, so that children and young people, parents and carers, adult learners and employers benefit.

Ofsted’s main findings in the most recent full school inspection include:

“Pupils enjoy coming to school. They feel safe. Pupils embody the school mantra of 'work hard, be kind'. Many pupils go on to study at top universities. Pupils behave well. They value the personal, social and health education curriculum. Pupils are polite,  respectful and hardworking. Leaders and staff celebrate diversity well and pupils appreciate this.The curriculum plans are ambitious."

At Coloma, we always endeavour to do our best for our girls in every aspect of school life and are so grateful for the support and encouragement that parents, and all who work within the Coloma community, give on a day-to-day, year-by-year basis. 

Copies of the most recent full school inspection reports including the Diocesan Section 48 Inspection can be viewed by following the links below:

Section 48 Report 2019Section 48 Report 2014Section 48 Report 2009

Ofsted Inspection Report 2021Ofsted Inspection Report 2009Ofsted Inspection Report 2006Ofsted Inspection Report 2001