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Here at Coloma we seek to help our students to grow into the people God is calling them to be.

Our journey in faith is, of course, a life-long adventure but we hope that the Chaplaincy at Coloma will provide guidance and support for all our students wherever they are on that journey.

“We aim to provide an opportunity for the balanced development of the students’ intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual qualities”


(School Aims)

The role of the Chaplaincy at Coloma is to accompany our students and staff through the ups and downs of life, and to provide opportunities for all members of the community to deepen their personal relationship with God.  We do this following the example of Jesus Christ and inspired by the charism of the Daughters of Mary and Joseph who founded our school.  The Chaplaincy is led by our Lay Chaplain, working alongside the RE Department and the Student Faith Leaders.

Prayer and liturgy form a key part of the rhythm of the school day and of the school year.

Each day begins with a prayer in Form Time, which links with the Seasons of the Church’s year as well as key global and school events.  Students then begin each lesson by praying the Coloma Prayer in which they ask for God’s guidance and inspiration. Key moments in the life of the Church and the school are marked with either Mass or other Liturgies. 

Our School Chapel is open before school and at lunchtimes, and students and staff are invited to spend time there in quiet prayer and reflection whenever they would like to.

Opportunities for students to meet together for prayer in the chapel are arranged at various times throughout the year, and the Sacrament of Reconciliation is available in Advent and Lent.  Information about our retreat programme can be found in the ‘retreats and pilgrimages’ section.

“We seek to be a place of Christian service where all are sensitive to the needs of others; where there is a determination to promote human rights and a recognition of the corresponding duties and responsibilities; where a sense of justice is fostered and an awareness that all people have an equal value.”(School Aims)

Faith in action is also an important part of life at Coloma, as we seek to live out the principles of Catholic Social Teaching.  through fundraising and other service opportunities, as well as through our concern for one another.  Our desire to care for our common home is especially seen through our Gardening Club and the presence of our Laudato Si’ Reps.