Teaching and Learning 


Coloma Convent Girls’ School is a centre of excellence which aims to inspire the next generation of female leaders to achieve through the love of God, inspirational experiences and strong Catholic traditions. At CCGS we pride ourselves in providing the highest quality of education to our students which is integral in succeeding in our mission. We seek to ensure that all our students are happy and safe at Coloma Convent Girls School and are able to learn successfully within a supportive environment.


To ensure that there is a robust and common approach to Teaching and Learning across Coloma Convent Girls School, our pedagogy and practice is underpinned by our values and virtues of our school. Below we have shared how the values and virtues are reflected in our curriculum and in the Teaching and Learning across the school.

To promote the Church’s moral and social teaching by providing pupils with the tools to critically engage with the ever-changing societal norms.

● To create a curriculum which enables pupils to relate the knowledge gained through religious education to their understanding of other subjects in the curriculum.

● To encourage pupils to deepen their religious and theological understanding and be able to communicate this effectively.

● Provide the knowledge, understanding, and skills to reflect spiritually, and think ethically and theologically, and who recognise the demands of religious commitment in everyday life

We recognise our students as individuals and provide a safe, secure and caring environment in which to work and learn.

● An ethos of respect. understanding, cooperation and consideration which underpins exceptional attitudes to learning.

● An inclusive and personalised curriculum which is made accessible to all learners tailored to their individuals needs to help them make outstanding progress both academically and personally.

● At Coloma, we are all Teachers of Numeracy, Literacy and Reading. These skills help students to access the curriculum, achieve academically and live lives that enriched by literature and an understanding number.

• Acceptance of hard work and discipline as requirements for success.

• Teaching and Learning across the whole school is constantly reviewed and developed providing support, stretch and challenge for all.

• Explore to challenging texts, content and subject matter underpinned by disciplinary literacy

• Incorporating and trialling a broad range of teaching styles in lessons which make us better teachers and learners.

We have consistently high standards and expectations of every member of the Coloma Community.

● Course that offers challenge in content and in delivery for students of all ability levels underpinned using challenging targets.

● A curriculum which builds upon prior knowledge, sequences learning effectively and supports transitions onto the next stage of learning. ● Regular opportunity for students to recall and retrieve knowledge, build and develop schema to apply current knowledge to new learning contexts.

● A broad and balanced curriculum of courses that is well matched to student needs, interest and aspiration across Key Stages three, four and dive,

● Teaching which is effectively adapted to offer appropriate challenges for all learners.